Live at Green Art People
By Pam Baumgardner
If your band kills it live and your following is loyal, it’s a complete no brainer that you have to record your next CD live. Too often when a band goes into the studio their collective sound becomes sterile and they lose the essence of what makes them special. Hence, Shaky Feelin’ Live at Green Art People was recorded during one of Green Art People’s weekly Wednesday night shows on April 24, 2013, and the band nailed it!
While doubling drumming is not a new idea, it’s always a treat when you get to witness it first hand. Two drum kits with Cameron Probe and Paul Menchaca working off each other, complimenting each other and sometimes working in unison to create a fuller sound. Love it! Add to that a strong bass line from Rob Jeffries, and impeccable keyboards from Franklin Murphy for that extra fuller layer of rhythm, creating a perfect balance for Mr. Masson on lead guitar. The thing about Mark Masson is that he really knows how to play his guitar. He creates these loops live on the spot, and plays upon those layers. You can only imagine how many hours it took to gain the ability to play like he does, but trust me, it was time well spent.
Together, the band creates this amazing upbeat groove that so seductive and addictive, you’ll find yourself dancing with a room full of people as one, or by yourself if you play this CD in the privacy of your own home!
Friday night, November 8, at The Tavern was packed to the gills and the night was a huge successful for the launch of the new CD. Seriously, the band is something to behold live. I found myself cruising around, shooting pictures and talking with people, it was undeniable the love and support this town has for the boys.
Danielle Marie Aue told us, “The Number One reason I like Shaky Feelin’ is because when I hear them I have to dance, you can’t sit still during a Shaky show. The Number Two reason is the atmosphere and following, it’s like a family reunion every time! Everyone is dancing with everyone, feeling free and welcoming new followers. And the Number Three reason is that it’s different and the same; I always hear something new that keeps me intrigued but I always hear something I know which keeps me coming back for more.” Describing the band’s sound Aue said, “I would describe their music as a little bit of everything; unstoppable and unforgettable.”
Seth Brandes said he likes the band for a couple of reasons, “They are a generation younger than myself,” he explained. “Mark who leads the band is 30 years old and he writes lyrics using the word, ‘groovy!’ How many kids his age use the word, ‘groovy?’ Not too many, but Mark does! But what I really like about the band is that they create a sound that’s much larger than really who they are. There’s a big percussion section behind them, but really only three guys on guitar, bass and keyboards, yet it feels like a much larger band without being really really loud. I also like the way they improvise, they’ll move from one musical genre to another effortlessly between songs.”
A self professed Shaky Feelin’ virgin Maggie Ramos McKinney, said,”I can’t believe I’d never heard them before!!! I’m hooked and can’t wait to listen to the CD!”
And finally, two of my favorite women here in town, who are BIG FANS of the band share the same thoughts, “Bottom line, when I hear Shaky Feelin it gives me happy Feet. Such a fun engaged band,” exclaims Cheryl Swift. And local photographer, Amanda Peacock, says she likes Shaky Feelin’, “Because the music makes me FEEL GOOD! It makes me get a Shaky Feelin’!”
Do yourself a favor and invest in our local boys and get yourself a copy of Shaky Feelin’ Live at Green Art People.
- Mr. Microphone
- Mark Masson
- Franklin Murphy
- Paul Menchaca
- Cameron Probe
- Rob Jeffries
Guitar, Vocals: Mark Masson
Keyboard, Vocals: Franklin Murphy
Bass: Rob Jeffries
Drums, Vocals: Paul Menchaca
Kit-Cussion: Cameron Probe
Shakey Feelin Live at Green Art People was recorded by Jon DeBaun.