It’s been a little over five years since I started on this labor of love and I couldn’t be more jazzed about Ventura’s music scene. People are taking notice and more music lovers are venturing out to test the waters visiting venues who provide live music.
There are supporters who swear by They’ve book-marked the website on their home computers and on their mobile devices. They map out what’s up and head out for a fun night on the town. Honestly that’s the main reason I spend so much time researching and working with venues to get their listings; I too want a one-stop resource live music entertainment guide, at a glance! was my brainchild and was born out of the desire to help our economy when it took a major hit back in 2009. I wanted to inspire people to support venues who provide live music. And while we do list DJs and Karaoke, make no mistake about it, is all about our live music scene. I continue to keep my promise to never charge the venues and to never charge the artists who play here in Ventura; and just so you know, that promise does not include promoters or special events. I’ve been working with these folks on “in-kind” trade where I promote them, in exchange for a booth or media mentions. It does not cost them to do this, so I think that’s totally fair for the amount of coverage given them.
It’s been such a pleasure getting to know our venue owners and artists. The gamut of personalities range from sweethearts to dickheads, but you get that in all sectors of society. I’ve never blackballed any artist or venue, but like I always say, that doesn’t mean I have to “show them the love,” and by that I mean, attending shows, spending my own money, taking photos, checking in on social media, etc… I’ll be honest, I’ve shed a tear or two by the rudeness thrown my way from time to time; I take note, try not to hold a serious grudge and look at the bigger picture: Making Ventura ROCK. But, the temporary set backs in my enthusiasm are gratefully short-lived. There are too many fans of the website, too many awesome artists and venue owners who get it, that I can’t help but continue to create
For five years we’ve covered all the costs for this operation. T-shirt sells don’t defray the expense of investing in them mostly because I can’t stand to sell them for more than $10 or $15. I want them affordable and I want people wearing them! I’ve started a banner ad program, and I’ve placed a donation button on our homepage. We’ve started to receive a couple of contributions and for this we are grateful.
I’m super excited about this town and the support for live music. Riding my bike up our beautiful coast on the 4th of July, I stopped at the Pier for Raging Arb and the Redheads, then continued up on Main Street where the Street Fair was being held. I stepped in for Shawn Jones at Grapes & Hops and Alan Peterson who was visiting from North Carolina at Saloon BBQ Co. Families were out, the vibe was amazing, and the artists were inspiring reminding me yet again that Ventura certainly rocks!
Pam, I needn’t elaborate; you know what a treasure we think you are. I should warn you, though, if we ever add members and become an actual band, I’m stealing the name “Sweethearts & Dickheads”.
HAHAHA!!! I hope you do Steve!
I can’t believe that someone actually commented on that phrase, Pam. But HONESTLY, I was in deep thought about that statement for more than a few minutes. I thought, what a freaking “fan-tastic” way to sum up the personality and moral caliber/people skills of bar tenders, door guys/bouncers, bands and dive bar patrons downtown. You have word skills girrrrl! Thanks for your candid verbal overview of this lil’ local music scene. I was born and raised here, I am a musician, singer/songwriter and I speak the TRUTH when I say me AND my roommate utilize this music guide website on the minimal, AT LEAST five (5) times every single week. In fact, I’m going to see what’s happening right after I hit post. I have 2 goals when utilizing this local music guide website: the first is to find out what, where and when OPEN Mics are and if there’s been any additional venues on board and secondly I look for places (with live music and/or open mic opportunities that are acessable by the handi”capable.” I would like to thank San Souci, the Tavern and most of all Bombay’s Bar and Grill for being so accomodating with my physically disabled/challenged best friend and roommate who has given her life and body parts to the service of Americans and our country. Please recognize these venues and give yourself a HUGE pat on the back from us! Hugs Pam, you are a MAJOR part of our daily entertainment, and social interaction planning sessions.
For those about to ROCK; please don’t stop the music!
Best regards, Bella
Thanks so much for your kind words! Amigos is super accessible as well and they’re starting an open mic on Mondays starting in May. Let’s keep Ventura rockin’!!!